Neuro Intergrative Technology (NIT)

Neuro Intergrative Technology (NIT)
Neuro Intergrative Therapy looks at the cause of health problems. Since the Nervous Systyem is involved in, influences, controls and regulates all human functions including, physical, chemical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects this is our emphasis.

1. Brain Based Therapy (BBT) which looks at cerebellum, brain stem, and cortex function.
2. Spinal function including segmental (local) function and global (posture) function
3. Metabolic (nutrition) neuro-endocrine-immune functions

Your brain is the master system. Common problems occur when the Right and Left sides are out of balance.

Balance problems include dizziness, vertigo, incoordination, posture problems, energy, and nausea.

Thinking problems such as memory loss, depression, inattention, reading problems may occur. This includes autism, ADHD, and dyslexia.

Since all physical and mental activity is under the control and influence of the brain, all problems may have a connection to brain dysfunction and imbalance.

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